Monthly Archives: June 2016

Drop 2 Voicings For Guitar

ARE YOU CONFUSED BY DROP 2 VOICINGS FOR GUITAR? If you are serious about getting your chord playing and knowledge together, then it's absolutely imperative...

Jazz Progressions

How are Jazz Progressions Different from Regular Chord Progressions?Jazz progressions are more complex than regular chord progressions. They often incorporate extended and altered chords,...

Blues Chords

Can Learning Blues Chords Help with Mastering the Basics of Playing the Blues on Guitar?Learning to play blues guitar involves understanding the fundamentals of...

Funk Chords Within A Minor Blues

Can I Use Funk Chords Within A Minor Blues Progression?Yes, you can incorporate funk chords into a minor blues progression to add a unique...

Cool Chord Progressions

Can Common Chord Progressions Be Used to Create Cool and Unique Chord Progressions?Yes, common chord progressions can be used as a starting point to...

Jazz Chord Progressions

How Can I Use Jazz Progressions in Chord Progressions?Understanding jazz progressions is essential for incorporating them into chord progressions. By learning the unique chord...

Common Chord Progressions

What are some common chord progressions used in guitar playing?There are several popular learn guitar chord progressions that are frequently used in guitar playing....

Diatonic Scale

- How can I incorporate the diatonic scale into my jazz guitar arrangement of "The Christmas Song"?To incorporate the diatonic scale into your Christmas...

Guitar Chord Progressions

Can Jazz Chord Progressions Be Used in Standard Guitar Chord Progressions?Yes, guitarists can indeed incorporate learn jazz chord progressions into their standard chord progressions....

Chord Definition

What is the Definition of a b7 Chord?A b7 chord is a musical harmony consisting of four notes: B, D#, F#, and A. To...
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