Kids’ Guitar Guide: Buying a Guitar for a Child


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buying a guitar as a gift for a child
buying a guitar as a gift for a child

Welcome to our comprehensive kids’ guitar buying guide! If you’re considering buying a guitar for your child, you’ve come to the right place. We understand that choosing the perfect instrument for your little musician can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you make an informed decision!

When it comes to buying a guitar for a child, it’s crucial to take into account their age, size, and musical interests. Whether it’s their first time holding a guitar or they’ve been serenading you with their talented strumming, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of selecting the right guitar, providing expert tips and recommendations along the way.

From classical nylon string guitars to electric guitars, we’ll explore the different types of kid-friendly options available. We’ll also discuss the importance of choosing the right size guitar for your child, ensuring optimal comfort and playability.

But that’s not all! We’ll delve into the benefits of meeting with a guitar teacher before making your purchase and offer guidance on buying a guitar as a gift for your child. Plus, we’ll share insights on finding a quality instrument and help you decide if the guitar is the right choice for your child.

Ready to dive into our kids’ guitar buying guide? Let’s get started on this exciting musical journey together!

The Basics of Buying a Guitar for a Child

Understanding the different types of guitars available is essential. There are classical nylon string guitars, acoustic steel string guitars, electric guitars, and even jazz guitars to choose from. For young beginners, the most suitable options are classical nylon string guitars or electric guitars.

Acoustic steel string guitars, although popular, can be challenging for beginners to play. The steel strings are hard to press down and can cause discomfort for small hands. It’s important to consider the child’s age and the teacher’s teaching methods when deciding between a classical or electric guitar.

Classical nylon string guitars are highly recommended for young beginners. With their soft nylon strings, these guitars are easier on the fingers and provide a gentle learning experience. Electric guitars, on the other hand, offer versatility and excitement for kids interested in rock or pop music.

Before making a decision, it’s a good idea to consult with an experienced guitar teacher who can guide you in selecting the best type of guitar for your child’s needs and preferences. Keep in mind that each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.

Choosing the Right Size Guitar for a Child

When selecting the right guitar for a child, one important factor to consider is the size of the instrument. For young beginners, classical guitars come in various student sizes, including 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 sizes.

If your child is around 5 years old, a 1/4 size guitar is typically the most suitable option. This size allows for comfortable handling and proper finger placement. On the other hand, an 8-year-old would typically require a 3/4 size guitar to accommodate their growing hands and ensure ease of play.

It’s crucial to consult with a guitar teacher to determine the best size for your child. Growth rate and comfort levels vary from child to child, so expert guidance will help you make the right decision.

Kid-Friendly Guitar Recommendations:

  • Yamaha CGS103AII 3/4 Size Classical Guitar
  • Cordoba Dolce 7/8 Size Acoustic Nylon String Guitar
  • Ibanez Mini Acoustic Guitar (MiKro Series)

These guitars are designed with children in mind, providing the ideal size for young hands while maintaining excellent sound quality and playability.

Meeting with a Teacher Before Buying

Before you make a final decision on buying a guitar for your child, it’s highly recommended to schedule a meeting with a guitar teacher. This meeting will allow your child to try out different sizes and types of guitars under professional guidance. Many guitar teachers offer free trial lessons, which can be a valuable opportunity for you and your child to assess the right size and type of guitar.

During the meeting, the guitar teacher will provide expert advice and recommendations based on your child’s age, size, and musical interests. They will offer insights into the different options available and help you determine the most suitable instrument for your child’s needs. This is particularly important as selecting the right guitar is crucial for your child’s comfort and progress in learning how to play.

The guitar teacher will assess your child’s physical capabilities, including hand size and strength, to determine the appropriate size guitar. They will also consider the teaching method and curriculum they follow to ensure that the selected instrument aligns with their teaching approach.

By meeting with a guitar teacher before buying, you can make an informed decision and ensure that the instrument you choose is the right fit for your child. This approach maximizes the chances of your child’s success and enjoyment while learning to play the guitar.

Importance of Trying Out Different Guitars

When your child tries out different guitars, it allows them to experience the feel, size, and sound of each instrument. They can determine which type of guitar resonates with them the most and feels comfortable in their hands. This hands-on experience is invaluable as it helps your child gain confidence and enthusiasm about their potential musical journey.

The guidance of a guitar teacher will also play a crucial role in the selection process. They have the expertise to recognize any potential challenges or limitations based on your child’s physical attributes. Together, you and the guitar teacher can ensure that the guitar you choose is the right fit, enhancing your child’s learning experience and setting them up for success.

Meeting with a guitar teacher before buying is an important step in purchasing the right guitar for your child. It ensures that you can make an informed decision based on expert advice and your child’s individual needs. Take advantage of the opportunity to try out different guitars and consult with a guitar teacher to provide your child with the best instrument as they embark on their musical journey.

Buying a Guitar as a Gift for a Child

Many parents choose to buy guitars as birthday or Christmas gifts for their children. It’s a thoughtful and exciting present that can inspire a lifelong love for music. However, if you are buying a guitar as a surprise gift and haven’t yet found a guitar teacher for your child, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, it’s important to ensure that the guitar is exchangeable. This is because the guitar teacher may recommend a different size or type of guitar that better suits your child’s needs and learning style. By choosing a guitar that can be exchanged, you can ensure that your child starts their musical journey with the perfect instrument.

You should also plan to communicate with the guitar teacher once the gift is given. This way, you can discuss any recommendations or adjustments that need to be made. Being open to exchanging the guitar if necessary shows your commitment to your child’s musical education and ensures that they have the best instrument for their lessons.

Remember, buying a guitar for your child is an investment in their future. It’s a gift that can provide years of joy and creativity. By taking the time to consider the teacher’s expertise and being open to adjustments, you can ensure that your child starts their musical journey on the right note.

buying a guitar as a gift for a child

Finding a Quality Guitar for Kids

When purchasing a guitar for a child, it is crucial to consider the quality of the instrument. Opting for a cheap and low-quality guitar can hinder the learning experience and lead to frustration. After all, you want your child to enjoy playing the guitar and have a positive learning experience. That’s why it’s worth investing in a good quality instrument that provides excellent sound and playability.

One way to ensure quality is by choosing guitars from reputable brands that specialize in producing child-friendly instruments. Brands such as Yamaha and Cordoba offer a wide range of guitars specifically designed for kids. These brands are known for their commitment to craftsmanship and produce guitars that are durable, easy to tune, and produce great sound.

When it comes to buying a beginner guitar for kids, it’s important to prioritize durability, as children may be more prone to accidental drops or impacts. Look for guitars made with high-quality materials that can withstand daily use. Additionally, consider guitars with a comfortable neck shape and size, as this will help your child develop proper hand positioning and technique.

While it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, remember that a quality guitar can make all the difference in your child’s learning journey. By investing in a reputable brand and ensuring good craftsmanship, you’ll be providing your child with an instrument that will inspire them to play, learn, and progress.

Is a Guitar the Right Instrument for My Child?

While guitars are a popular choice for children, it is essential to consider whether it is the right instrument for your child. Learning to play a musical instrument requires dedication and commitment, especially when it comes to learning the guitar. However, guitars offer a wide range of benefits for young children, including motor skill development and musical exploration.

When deciding if a guitar is the right instrument for your child, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, think about your child’s age and size. Guitars come in different sizes, and it is crucial to ensure that your child can comfortably hold and play the instrument. A guitar that is too large or heavy can hinder their progress and enjoyment.

Your child’s musical tastes are another important consideration. If they are passionate about rock or pop music, an electric guitar might be the perfect fit. On the other hand, if they prefer classical or acoustic music, a classical guitar might be more suitable. Understanding your child’s musical preferences will help you choose the right type of guitar.

kids guitar

It is also important to assess your child’s level of interest and commitment. Learning to play the guitar requires practice and perseverance. If your child is truly interested in playing the guitar and willing to put in the effort, it can be a rewarding and enriching experience. However, if they are not fully committed or have yet to develop a genuine interest, it may be worth exploring other musical instruments.

Ultimately, the decision of whether a guitar is the right instrument for your child depends on your child’s individual characteristics and preferences. By considering their age, size, musical tastes, and level of commitment, you can make an informed decision that sets your child up for success in their musical journey.

Types of Guitars for Kids

When buying a guitar for a child, it’s important to consider the different types of guitars available. Each type has its own unique characteristics that make it suitable for kids of different ages and musical interests. Here are the main types of guitars you can choose from:

Classical Guitars

Classical guitars are the most popular choice for young kids and beginners. They have nylon strings that are easier on the fingers, making it more comfortable for children to play. Classical guitars produce a warm and mellow sound, which is ideal for learning classical music or fingerstyle playing. Brands like Yamaha and Cordoba offer excellent child-friendly classical guitars.

Acoustic Guitars

Acoustic guitars use steel strings, which produce a bright and vibrant sound. They are better suited for older kids or those with more experience, as the steel strings can be harder to press down on the fretboard. Acoustic guitars are versatile and are suitable for various music genres, such as folk, country, and pop. Look for reputable brands like Martin, Taylor, or Fender for quality child-friendly acoustic guitars.

Electric Guitars

Electric guitars are a great option for kids who are interested in playing rock, pop, or other electric guitar-driven genres. They have a thinner neck and lower string action, making it easier for kids with small hands to play. Electric guitars require an amplifier to produce sound, which allows kids to experiment with different tones and effects. Brands like Fender, Gibson, and Squier offer excellent child-friendly electric guitars.


Ukuleles, although not technically guitars, are a popular choice for young children due to their small size and ease of play. They have nylon strings and a shorter neck, making it easier for kids to form chords and strum. Ukuleles are perfect for kids who want to play simple and catchy tunes. Look for brands like Kala, Lanikai, or Mahalo for quality child-friendly ukuleles.

When choosing a guitar for your child, consider their age, size, and musical preferences. Consulting with a guitar teacher or visiting a music store can also help you make an informed decision. Remember, providing a child-friendly guitar will enhance their learning experience and make playing a joyous activity.

What Age is Best to Start Learning Guitar?

The best age to start learning guitar depends on your child’s development and interest. While most kids are ready to begin learning guitar around the age of 7, there are exceptions, with some children starting as young as 4 or 5. It’s important not to rush the process and allow your child to show genuine interest and motivation. Starting at a younger age can be beneficial, as children’s coordination and finger independence improve over time.

If your child is showing an interest in music and expresses a desire to learn the guitar, it may be a good time to start exploring this instrument. Consider their fine motor skills, attention span, and ability to follow instructions. It’s also important to keep in mind that learning guitar requires practice and dedication, so make sure your child is ready to commit to regular practice sessions.

Benefits of Starting Early

There are several benefits to starting guitar lessons at a younger age:

  • Coordination and Finger Dexterity: Starting early allows children to develop their hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity, making it easier for them to learn and master the techniques.
  • Musical Foundation: Learning music theory and developing a strong musical foundation at a young age can set the stage for future musical endeavors.
  • Personal Growth: Learning an instrument provides a sense of accomplishment and can boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

Consulting with a Guitar Teacher

If you’re unsure about the best age for your child to start learning guitar, it’s a good idea to consult with a guitar teacher. A qualified teacher can assess your child’s readiness and offer guidance on the most suitable starting age. They can also provide recommendations tailored to your child’s needs and musical interests.

Meeting with a guitar teacher before buying a guitar can also help ensure that you make the right choice when selecting an instrument. They can provide valuable insights into the best type and size of guitar for your child, based on their age, size, and musical goals.

Remember, learning guitar should be a fun and rewarding experience for your child. Starting at the right age can set them on a path to musical inspiration and enjoyment.

Acoustic vs. Electric Guitar for Kids

When it comes to choosing a guitar for your child, there are two main options to consider: acoustic and electric. Both types of guitars have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the differences before making a decision.

Acoustic Guitars

Acoustic guitars are a popular choice for kids for several reasons. First and foremost, they offer a versatile sound that is suitable for various music genres, including folk, country, and pop. Acoustic guitars also tend to be more affordable and lightweight, making them easier for children to handle and play.

If your child prefers a more traditional sound or enjoys strumming along to their favorite songs, an acoustic guitar may be the perfect choice. Additionally, acoustic guitars require no additional equipment, such as an amplifier, making them a convenient option.

Electric Guitars

On the other hand, electric guitars have their own unique advantages. One notable feature is the thinner neck, which can make it easier for kids with smaller hands to navigate the fretboard and form chords. Electric guitars also offer the ability to experiment with different sounds and effects, allowing kids to explore various musical styles like rock and blues.

It’s important to note that electric guitars require an amplifier to be heard at a reasonable volume. This additional equipment can add to the overall cost and may require additional setup. However, if your child has a specific interest in playing electric guitar or aspires to join a band, an electric guitar may be the better option.

Ultimately, the choice between acoustic and electric guitars boils down to your child’s musical preferences and goals. Consider what type of music they enjoy, their comfort level with different guitar neck sizes, and their long-term aspirations in music. Consulting with a guitar teacher or music expert can also provide valuable insight into which type of guitar would best suit your child’s needs.

selecting the right guitar for a child

Remember, whether you choose an acoustic or electric guitar, the most important thing is that your child feels inspired and motivated to play. Each type of guitar offers its own unique benefits and can be a fantastic instrument for your child to start their musical journey.

Great Examples of Kids Guitars to Buy

There are plenty of excellent options available that are perfect for young beginners. Whether you’re looking for an acoustic or electric guitar, these kid-friendly options offer good quality, sound, and value for money.

Acoustic Guitars:

  • RockJam Blue Acoustic Guitar Super Kit
  • Fender FA-15 3/4 Scale Kids Acoustic Guitar Learn-to-Play Bundle
  • Yamaha JR2TBS 3/4 Scale Tobacco Sunburst Guitar

Electric Guitars:

  • RockJam Electric Guitar Super Kit with 10-watt Amp
  • Donner 30-Inch Electric Guitar Beginner Kit for Kids

These guitars are specifically designed with young learners in mind, making them the perfect choice for purchasing a beginner guitar for kids. So whether you’re considering an acoustic or electric option, these kid-friendly guitar recommendations are sure to inspire and enable your child’s musical journey. Take your pick and watch them strum away with joy!


Buying a guitar for a child is an exciting and important decision. As a parent or guardian, you want to ensure that you choose the right instrument to nurture your child’s musical journey. By considering factors such as your child’s age, size, musical interests, and teacher’s recommendations, you can make an informed decision.

For young beginners, classical nylon string guitars and electric guitars are the most suitable options. Classical guitars are perfect for children under 9 years old, while older children can choose between classical and electric guitars based on their preferences.

Finding the right size guitar is crucial for your child’s comfort and ease of playing. Classical guitars come in various student sizes, so consult with a guitar teacher to determine the best fit for your child. Remember, a properly sized guitar enhances the learning experience and ensures that your child enjoys playing.

Now armed with the knowledge from this kids guitar buying guide, you can confidently choose the perfect instrument for your child. Whether it’s a classical nylon string guitar or an electric guitar, take the time to find a quality instrument that aligns with your child’s interests. By supporting and encouraging your child’s musical aspirations, you’ll be providing them with a valuable and fulfilling experience that can last a lifetime.


What factors should I consider when buying a guitar for a child?

When buying a guitar for a child, it’s important to consider their age and size, as well as the type of guitar they are interested in.

What are the most suitable types of guitars for young beginners?

The most suitable options for young beginners are classical nylon string guitars and electric guitars.

How do I choose the right size guitar for my child?

The size of the guitar depends on the child’s age, and it is important to consult with a guitar teacher to determine the best fit.

Should I meet with a guitar teacher before buying a guitar?

Yes, it is recommended to meet with a guitar teacher to ensure you choose the right size and type of guitar for your child.

What should I do if I am buying a guitar as a surprise gift?

If you are buying a guitar as a surprise gift, make sure it is exchangeable in case the teacher recommends a different size or type of guitar.

How important is the quality of the guitar?

It is important to choose a good-quality guitar that offers good sound and playability, even if it means spending a bit more.

Is a guitar the right instrument for my child?

Guitars are versatile instruments and offer many benefits for young children, but it is important to consider the child’s age, size, and musical tastes.

What are the different types of guitars suitable for kids?

The different types of guitars suitable for kids include classical, acoustic, electric, and ukuleles.

What is the best age to start learning guitar?

The best age to start learning guitar depends on the individual child’s development and interest, typically around 7 years old.

Should I choose an acoustic or electric guitar for my child?

The choice between acoustic and electric depends on the child’s musical preferences and goals.

Can you recommend any good guitars for kids?

Some recommended guitars for kids include the RockJam Blue Acoustic Guitar Super Kit, Fender FA-15 3/4 Scale Kids Acoustic Guitar Learn-to-Play Bundle, and Yamaha JR2TBS 3/4 Scale Tobacco Sunburst Guitar for acoustic guitars, and the RockJam Electric Guitar Super Kit with 10-watt Amp and Donner 30-Inch Electric Guitar Beginner Kit for Kids for electric guitars.

Source Links

Pyle Beginner Guitar Kit

The Pyle Beginner Acoustic Guitar Kit is an excellent choice for both kids and adults looking to learn how to play the guitar. With its 1/4 junior size and all-wood construction, this instrument is designed to make it easier for beginners to handle and play comfortably. The 30″ natural gloss finish adds a touch of elegance to the overall appearance.

The kit includes everything you need to get started, including a carrying case, spare strings, strap, and picks. The sound quality of the guitar is surprisingly good for its price range, making it a great value for money. Overall, the Pyle Beginner Acoustic Guitar Kit is a reliable option for those looking to learn the guitar without breaking the bank.

Great for children
Comes with everything you need, including a gig bag, strap, tuner, replacement strings, cleaning cloth, and picks
Lower-action strings for easy playing

Strings may be too far from the fretboard
Action could be better

Hand Orientation: Right
Guitar Pickup: H
Size: 30 inch
String: Nylon
Number of strings: 6
Style: Traditional classic body
Target audience: Children, Beginners

Vangoa Beginner Kit for Kids

The Vangoa Kids Electric Guitar is an excellent choice for beginners. This complete kit includes everything needed to get started, making it perfect for boys and girls who want to learn how to play the guitar. The 30-inch size is ideal for kids, allowing for easy handling and comfortable playing. The guitar comes in a vibrant red color, adding a fun and stylish touch.

The set includes an amp, bag, strap, extra strings, capo, tuner, picks, and cable, ensuring that young guitarists have all the essentials. The guitar itself is well-constructed, with a solid build and good sound quality. The amp provides suitable volume for practice sessions, while the included accessories make it convenient to learn and play. Overall, the Vangoa Kids Electric Guitar is a fantastic choice for beginners, offering great value and excellent quality.

Lightweight and sized for kids
Lightweight body
Comes in three colors
Comes with everything your child needs to get started

30-inch scale length
Polymer strings

Weight: 9.18 pounds
Size: 32.4 x 12.8 x 4.2 inches
Feature: Ergonomic
Age: Kids
Strings: 6
Style: S

BESYOU Acoustic Guitar Kit

The 30″ Black Beginner Acoustic Guitar Starter Package by BESYOU is an excellent choice for aspiring musicians. This beginner kit includes everything a student or child needs to start their musical journey. The guitar itself is well-made with a sleek black finish and a comfortable size for younger players. The included gig bag ensures easy transportation, and the strap allows for comfortable playing during practice sessions. The package also comes with two picks, extra strings, and an electronic tuner, which are essential accessories for any beginner guitarist. Overall, this BESYOU starter package is a great value for the price and an excellent option for those looking to learn how to play the acoustic guitar.

Good sound quality
Tuning pegs are made of real bone for better tone quality and performance
Full starter kit with tuner and instructional materials included
Handmade with care
Complete package

Some might find the guitar’s shape too small
Can’t plug into an amp for a louder sound

Body Material: Metal, Wood
String Material: Alloy Steel
Color: Black
Hand: Ambidextrous
Size: 30 inch
Feature: Guitar Pickup Configuration

Pyle Kids Electric Guitar Starter Kit PEGKT30

The Pyle Kids Electric Guitar Starter Kit is a fantastic option for beginner guitarists. With its 30″ mini instrument size and complete package of accessories, it provides everything needed to get started on the guitar journey. The kit includes a 10W amplifier, which offers enough power for practicing at home. The black color adds a sleek and modern touch to the guitar’s design, making it appealing to aspiring rockstars of all ages. With a reasonable price point and a reputable brand like Pyle, this starter kit is definitely worth considering for anyone looking to learn how to play the electric guitar.

Included amplifier
Good for kids
Comes with everything you need to get started including amp, cable and picks

Requires 9V battery for amp
Narrow string spacing

Material: Wood
Size: 30.4 x 8.9 x 2.3 inch
Usage: Beginner Kits
Strings: 6
Weight: 10.53 pounds
Hand Orientation: Right
Fretboard Material: Maple Wood

BESYOU Natural Beginner Kit

The BESYOU Acoustic Guitar 38″ Wood Guitar with starter kit is the perfect choice for beginners looking to start their musical journey. With its high-quality construction and beautiful natural finish, this guitar not only looks great but also produces a warm and rich sound.

The inclusion of a travel gig bag makes it easy to carry this guitar around, whether you’re practicing at home or heading to music lessons. The tuner ensures that you always play in tune, while the guitar pick allows for easy strumming. This beginner set is suitable for both kids and adults, making it a versatile choice for the whole family.

Overall, the BESYOU Acoustic Guitar 38″ Wood Guitar with starter kit is a fantastic option for anyone looking to learn how to play the guitar. Its affordability, quality, and additional accessories make it a great value for money. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this guitar will not disappoint.

Reasonable price
Handmade craftsmanship
Comes with gig bag, strap, tuner, picks, and extra strings

Some guitars have intonation issues
38″ body size

Size: 38 x 17.5 x 4.5 inch
Strings: 6
Type: Acoustic
Material: Metal, Wood
Usage: Beginner
Color: natural

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