Chord Progressions


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What Makes Chord Progressions Cool and Unique?

Cool chord progressions are what give a song its unique character and appeal. They can evoke different emotions and create a strong sense of melody. Whether it’s a catchy pop tune or a soulful ballad, the right cool chord progressions can make all the difference in creating a memorable and moving musical experience.

Chord Progressions Every Guitarist Should Know

For many guitar players, chord progressions are a bit of a dark art. If you have wondered how some guitar players just seem to know what is coming next in a song then this is a lesson you need to watch and learn from. The video below is backed up by free resources for you download underneath this text.

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chord progressions

Lesson Three – Playing Through The II – V – I Chord Progressions

This is a partial transcription of the text found within the video above. Hello and welcome to this lesson, the third in a series of thirteen lessons which cover drop two voicings. If you are just dropping by and you have not seen the other lessons I would encourage you to have a look at them. This whole course goes along side or is aligned to the book “Drop Two Voicings Uncovered” which has been released by GMI and for the people who have the book, this is a way of seeing deep into the workings of the chords that are given. For other people, it’s a great way to get your hands on some free resources and why not.

This lesson is about the II – V – I progression and there is a large part of the book devoted to this progression. If the question is why? Well, in the musical literature, not just of jazz, but pop music, rock music, even classical music and many other genres, the II – V – I progression is a cornerstone progression used time and time again.

Now what we are going to learn here, is how to connect the chords we have learned in previous lessons in an effective manner and this is called voice leading. You will see on the screen now some chords and all I wanted to do was to demonstrate that with good voice leading, you can have really effective resolutions. The II – V – I is a very powerful progression because of the way the actual root movement moves; up a fourth or down a fifth. Within the twentieth century, this has been as popular a progression as any of the other chord progressions used.

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